
Refined Physio is in-network with most local health insurance companies and we will work with you to review your benefits and understand your coverage. Below are the rates for cash pay services.

  • Orthopedic Care

    Includes care and assessment of muscles, nerves, joints, bones, tendons, and ligaments. This will serve you in pain reduction, injury rehab, surgical rehab, balance, strength and range of motion for optimal function. It also includes an assessment of stress, the mind and energy levels to determine how this can be transmuted to bring about more peace, confidence, and empowerment in your body and life.

    90min Eval $285 / 60min Follow Up $205

  • Manual Therapy

    Having soft tissue restriction in muscle and fascia can create pain, limitation and injury in your body. Having scar tissue from surgery that is adhesed and not mobile can lead to pain, decreased function and more complications. Having your body assessed for this and worked out is enlightening. There is so much that can be done to support your body to feel rejuvenated, free, and relaxed to better serve you.


  • Women's Health

    Women's health physical therapy includes care through pregnancy, postpartum, post surgical, pelvic pain, pelvic floor, core and muskoloskeletal pain. It is care for you as a woman to heal, reclaim your strength and have peace within your body. This self care is so important and having the education, understanding and wisdom to know how to heal yourself will bring you immense freedom, rejuvenation, increased passion and love for life. Women's health also includes supporting your energy, heart, mind, and emotions. I will hold space to help you feel safe and at ease to share your story. I will support you to achieve what's most important to you.

    90min Eval $285 / 60min Follow Up $205

  • Tele Health

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    90min Eval $285 / 60min Follow Up $205